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Handgull's portfolio & blog

Hello World!

I am Andrea Gullì, i've been working in frontend development since 2018, and in 2020, I've decided to dive into mobile development as well. I've been using Flutter since version 1.2.x and Angular since version 6 (naturally, I've kept up with updates since then). Additionally, I have a passion for nutrition, and I've developed ZYME , a calorie tracking app available on android and iOS.


Technologies & Buzzwords

Flutter :
Impeller, FFI, Packages, Canvas, Build runner, Routing, Widgets, Context
BLoC :
Events, State management, Reactive programming, When
Angular :
Signals, DI, Services, Standalone, Components, Lazy loading, Webpack
RxJS :
Observable, Subject, Subscription, Scheduler, Operators, MergeMap
Tailwind CSS :
CSS, Minify, Classes
Git :
Rebase, Branch, Commit, Merge
LangChain :
GenAI, Agents, Tools, LangServe
And more :
Jira, Agile, SCRUM, And more...